
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

Preprints and under review

  • 2024 Chasan, Rivka, Liliana Iwona Baron, Sebastian Fajardo, Yonatan Sahle, Geeske Langejans. Molecular characterization of latex-based ethnographic African adhesives and its archaeological implications. (Under review)
  • 2024 Fajardo, Sebastian and Argüello, Pedro, Sociopolitical Evolution and Population Clustering Among Early Sedentary Communities in Northeastern Andes, Colombia. Available at SSRN. (Link).


  • 2024 Vélez María, Jorge Salgado, Miguel Delgado, Luisa F. Patiño, Broxton Bird, Jaime H. Escobar, Sebastian Fajardo. Humans and climate in ritualized landscapes, the case of Lake Tota in the eastern highlands of Colombia. The Holocene. 34, Issue 11. (Link).
  • 2024 Fajardo, Sebastian, Paul Kozowyk, Geeske Langejans. Reply to: Problems with two recent Petri net analyses of Neanderthal adhesive technology. Scientific Reports. 14, 10489. (Link).
  • 2024 Fajardo, Sebastian, Jelte Zeekaf, Tinde van Andel, Christabel Maombe, Terry Nyambe, George Mudenda, Alessandro Aleo, Martha Nchimunya Kayuni, Geeske Langejans. Traditional adhesive production systems in Zambia and archaeological implications. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 74, June, 101586. (Link).
  • 2023 Fajardo, Sebastian, Paul Kozowyk, Geeske Langejans. Measuring ancient technological complexity and its cognitive implications using Petri nets. Scientific Reports. (Link).
  • 2023 Kozowyk, Paul, Sebastian Fajardo, Geeske Langejans. Scaling Palaeolithic tar production processes exponentially increases behavioural complexity. Scientific Reports. 13, 14709. (Link).
  • 2022 Fajardo, Sebastian, Jetty Kleijn, Frank Takes, Geeske Langejans. Modelling and Measuring Complexity of Traditional and Ancient Technologies using Petri Nets. PLOS ONE 17(11): e0278310.(Link).
  • 2022 Langejans, Geeske, Alessandro Aleo, Paul Kozowyk and Sebastian Fajardo Archaeological Adhesives. Oxford Research Encyclopaedia.(Link).
  • 2020 Fajardo, Sebastian, Gert Jan Hofstede, Martijn de Vries, Mark R. Kramer, and Andres Bernal. Gregarious Behavior, Human Colonization and Social Differentiation: An Agent-Based Model. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 23 (4) 11. (Link).
  • 2015 Fajardo, Sebastian, Luis Felipe Navarro and Jesús Mahecha. Población dispersa durante los periodos prehispánico y colonial en áreas de difícil acceso en límites de los valles de Sogamoso y Duitama. Revista Colombiana de Antropología. Vol. 51, No. 2 (jul-dec), pp. 265-292.(Link).
  • 2011 Fajardo, Sebastian. Jerarquía social de una comunidad en el valle de Leiva: Unidades domésticas y agencia entre los siglos XI y XVII. Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia, Bogotá D.C.(ISBN: 9789588181745).(Link).

Edited Books

  • 2012 Henderson, Hope and Sebastian Fajardo. Reproducción social y creación de desigualdades: Discusiones desde la antropología y la arqueología suramericanas. Encuentro Grupo Editor, Córdoba, Argentina (ISBN: 9789871432998).

Book Chapters

  • 2024 Rodriguez, Angela and Sebastian Fajardo. Submerged Prehistoric Archaeological Record in South America: determining potential sites. Proceedings Conference. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology at 100: Michigan's Mark - Past, Present, Future. (Under review).
  • 2012 Henderson, Hope and Sebastian Fajardo. Reproducción social y creación de desigualdades: Discusiones desde la antropología y la arqueología suramericanas. In Reproducción social y creación de desigualdades: Discusiones desde la antropología y la arqueología suramericanas, edited by H. Henderson and S. Fajardo, pp. 7-12, Encuentro Grupo Editor, Córdoba, Argentina.(Link).


  • 2016 Fajardo, Sebastian. Prehispanic and Colonial Settlement Patterns of the Sogamoso Valley. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Pittsburgh. Advisor: Robert Drennan.(Link).

Technical reports

  • 2016 Hurtado Rafael, Jorge Charum, Ángela Rivera, Sandra Daza, Adriana Silva, Eugenio Llanos, Carlos Murcia, Jorge Lucio, Diana Usgame, Diego Chavarro, Andrés Bernal, Gloria Perea Cruz, Rut Torres, Juan Carlos Espitia, Claudia Pico, Tania Arboleda, Sebastian Fajardo, Juan Felipe Alzate. Evaluación Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico BID etapa III. Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, COLCIENCIAS.(Link).


  • 2024 Chasan, Rivka, Liliana Baron, Sebastian Fajardo, Geeske Langejans. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry data of adhesives and adhesive ingredients used in Zambia and collected during ethnographic research. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. Dataset.(Link).
  • 2023 Fajardo, Sebastian, Jelte Zeekaf, Tinde van Andel, Chistabel Maombe, Terry Nyambe, George Mudenda, Martha Nchimunya Kayuni, Geeske Langejans. ata underlying the publication: Adaptive adhesive production systems in Zambia. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. Dataset.(Link).
  • 2016 Fajardo, Sebastian. Prehispanic and Colonial Settlement Patterns of the Sogamoso Valley Dataset. (Link)
  • 2011 Fajardo, Sebastian. Jerarquía social de una comunidad en el valle de Leiva. unidades domésticas y agencia entre los siglos XI y XVII. dataset. (Link).

Outreach materials

  • 2024 Fajardo, Sebastian, Mesa Schumacher, Geeske Langejans. Outreach and Engagement Materials: Traditional Adhesives of Zambia. Infographic.(Link).
  • 2024 Fajardo, Sebastian, Mesa Schumacher, Geeske Langejans. Outreach and Engagement Materials: Traditional Adhesives of Zambia. Documentary.(Link).